Author Archives: QuynhVan

Why is my cat so small: 5 main popular reasons

Why is my cat so small

When cats are little and fluffy, they appear cuter. But it makes sense that you would be interested in your little cat when you observe other people’s cats as strong, healthy, and large. Why is my cat so small? is a question you could ask as you begin to wonder what is wrong with your […]

How Long Does a Cat Hold a Grudge? Best Ways to Reconcile With Cats

How Long Does a Cat Hold a Grudge? Best Ways to Reconcile With Cats

Cats are very cute and approachable animals. They always carry positive energy and surround their owners throughout the day. Cat owners often wonder, do cats get angry? How long does a cat hold a grudge? They feel confused by the strange behavior of the pet. So what is the cause of this cat’s behavior? What […]

Black Bengal Cat- Top 6 Unique Facts

Black Bengal Cat- Top 6 Unique Facts

Black Bengal cats are gorgeous cats with striking coat patterns and exotic looks. They are known for their beautiful patterns, and striking light-colored eyes, and are about the same size as domestic cats but descended from leopards. Their unique appearance and interesting personality have made them one of the most loved cats worldwide. Today we […]

Heavy Breathing Cat- Types, Causes and Treatments Properly

Heavy Breathing Cat- Types, Causes and Treatments Properly

The cat you are raising suddenly gasps with difficulty. Stop being subjective when you see that sign because this can sometimes be a symptom of a certain disease in the cat. Sometimes, rapid breathing in cats is not a cause for concern, but it can also indicate serious health problems. Find out what causes heavy […]

How Old is Candy Cat From Peppa Pig? The Interesting Truth

How Old is Candy Cat From Peppa Pig? The Interesting Truth

Peppa Pig is a fun cartoon for kids. The film is enjoyed by a large number of children with easygoing characters. In addition to Peppa Pig, Candy Cat is also a character that receives a lot of attention. This is an orange cat who is one of the best friends of the main character Peppa […]

Are Bengal Cats Hypoallergenic & Most Famous Hypoallergenic Cat Breed

Are Bengal Cats Hypoallergenic & Some Famous Hypoallergenic Cat Breed

Many people wonder “Are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?“. The good news is that they are less allergenic than other cats, but not completely. Owning a Bengal cat is the dream of many pet lovers. But allergy-prone people are interested in Cat Allergies. If you have a cat allergy, can you live with a Bengal cat? This […]

Can Cats Eat Edamame and Most Vital Notes For You

Edamame beans are very popular in East Asian meals because they are delicious, crunchy and healthy. They can be eaten raw or heat-processed in a variety of ways. However, cats have different nutritional needs than humans, so the question is “can cats eat Edamame?”. It is important to know which foods are safe and which […]

Why are My Cat’s Ears Hot- 7 Most Common Causes

Why are My Cat's Ears Hot- 7 Most Common Causes

Cat’s ears are an area with much less hair than the rest of their body. This is intended to help regulate body temperature by radiating excess heat. Healthy cat ears should always be warm to the touch. If you think your cat’s ears are noticeably warmer than usual, it could be a sign of a […]

How Often Do You Take a Cat To The Vet? The Most Useful Tips

How Often Do You Take a Cat To The Vet? The Most Useful Tips

Some surveys show that less than 50% of cat owners take their pets to the vet every year. Regular veterinary care is vital to your cat’s health. On the other hand, some people are unsure about how frequently they ought to take their cat to the vet. They assume cats are self-sufficient enough to take care […]

Blue Silver Bengal Cat and Outstanding Features

Blue Silver Bengal Cat and Outstanding Features

Are you attracted by the exotic beauty of a silver Bengal cat? The Silver Bengal cat is extremely sought after due to its beautiful appearance. Even so, are you considering the characteristics of this cat breed such as their genetics, personality, and health? In this article, we will provide the most remarkable information about Blue […]