Blue Bengal Cat and 7 Fun Facts About Them

Blue Bengal Cat and 7 Fun Facts About Them

One of the most beautiful and interesting Bengal cat breeds is the Blue Bengal cat. This is a large breed of cat with a wild coat that ranges from gray to blue. The coat is the most prominent feature that sets them apart from other cat breeds. Bengal cats are known to be quite outgoing and friendly. While it retains its wildcat-influenced character, it still has the flair of the British shorthair. Let’s learn about the Blue Bengal cat breed in today’s article.

What is a Blue Bengal cat?

The Blue Bengal cat was first created in the 1950s and 1960s through the scientific crossbreeding of an Asian cat with British shorthair cats. The Blue Bengal cat has a rather wild appearance due to its genetics. It is also larger than other cats with a length of up to 22 inches and a weight of 17 pounds. They have wide oval eyes with angular faces and pointed ears that seem to always listen. Their coat is quite short but thick and very soft to the touch. Instead of having the traditional coat of brown and black colors, they are blue and gray, which adds to the appeal of the Bengal.

What is a Blue Bengal cat?

However, the gene that produces the blue color is called the dilute pigment gene. It lightens the coat in Bengal and other cats and is a bad sign of health. Most Bengal species including the Blue Bengal have a lifespan of about 16 years. They are very loyal to their owners and may have difficulty adjusting to a new home. They are especially energetic as kittens, and that energy doesn’t wane much as they mature. If not paying attention, they will find ways to hide in closets or anywhere with small spaces. They can be destructive if bored. So you have to spend at least two hours playing with it every day.

What color are the Bengal cat’s eyes?

As we described above, Bengal cats can come in many different colors although some variations favor certain eye colors more than others. For example, the Snow Seal Lynx cat is the blue-eyed version. Snow Seal Mink cats will have blue or blue eyes. Other species will have yellow, green, or chestnut eyes depending on the variety. You can also get eye color variations like bronze.

Blue Bengal cat health

Bengal cats are generally quite healthy like other cats, although there may be some genetic problems. They can develop diseases similar to other cats, such as leukemia or specific progressive atrophy (a type of eye disease). The disease gradually destroys the cells at the back of the eye that detects light. It can lead to blindness. Blue Bengal cats can also have an inherited type of anemia called PK anemia and heart disease that causes thickening of the heart wall or leukemia in cats, so it’s important when keeping a cat that it’s vaccinated at the time. The next step is to do a full genetic test of the cat when breeding.

The benefits of Blue Bengal cat

The Blue Bengal cat is a great companion for anyone. They are also very intelligent, affectionate and trainable although it will take a while. Their intelligence makes it possible for them to learn tricks, so you can teach them to sit, lie down or raise high fives. These cats are good with children, although they must be trained not to accidentally bite or scratch as some may not be aware of their strength. They can also make good companions with other animals as long as they are socialized early on.

Bengals are very affectionate, but cats are not always wanted to cuddle in your lap. They are quite active and tend to run around. Even so, they also enjoy human companionship. They need lots of stimulation and attention from the environment. If you can accommodate their needs and know that these cats don’t like to be alone and have high energy levels, the Blue Bengal cat will make a good, fun, and unique pet.

The benefits of Blue Bengal cat

7 Unique Facts about Blue Bengal cat

  • Until the 1970s, Bengal cats were known as Safari cats. They are given the scientific name Asian Leopard Cat.
  • They are called the Rolls Royce of cats because of their extremely expensive prices. A Bengal kitten will cost you between $500 and $3000.
  • Bengal is not lazy. They have high energy levels, love to climb, and crave attention.
  • Bengal cats love water, especially running water. Some cats occasionally dip their paws in the tap while others like to take a walk in the tub. Some cat owners say their cats are even mesmerized by water. They always like to turn the water off and let it overflow. Or like to flush the toilet, turn on the faucet and play with the water. If you want to adopt a Bengal cat. You will probably have to learn to adapt to keeping an eye on your cat or covering the toilet, making devices to prevent your cat from coming into contact with the faucet.

7 Unique Facts about Blue Bengal cat

  • Bengal comes in a variety of colors and patterns. they can be yellow, orange, blue, gray and ivory white. Their spots can also vary in color from rust to chocolate and black.
  • As a breed of cat whose ancestors were wild animals living in the wild, Blue Bengal cats often have a habit of defecating in water to hide their smell from larger predators. So it’s not uncommon to see a Bengal leopard cat who prefers to learn to defecate in the toilet instead of in the sand bowl like other cats.
  • Love the freedom. They do not like being confined or confined in cages, in confined spaces.

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