How to prevent UTI in cats? 6 Easy Tips

How to prevent UTI in cats? 6 Easy Tips

Have you ever seen your cat urinating while in pain or distress? Your cat could be suffering from any number of urinary issues, including bladder cancer, crystals and stones in the bladder, inflammation of the bladder, infections of the urinary system, and bladder infections. There are easy steps you may do to lessen the possibility that your cat will experience one of these issues. Let’s follow us to find out how to prevent UTI in cats in this post!

What Is a Urinary Tract Infection?

When germs from the environment get into the urinary system, a urinary tract infection happens. Bacteria flourish in warm, moist environments, which explains why they are so prevalent inside the bladder’s hollow organ.

What Is a Urinary Tract Infection?
What Is a Urinary Tract Infection?

Although they are frequently mistaken for bladder infections, UTIs in cats can occur anywhere in the urinary tract, including the bladder, ureters (tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder), kidneys, and urethra (the tube that connects the bladder to the external environment).

Causes of UTI in Cats

Bacteria, fungi, or viruses that enter the urethra are what cause a urinary tract infection (UTI) (a small tube where urine leaves the bladder and the body). Bacteria are typically to blame for most UTIs, which typically damage the bladder and urethra. If they are not treated, they can spread to the kidneys and result in pyelonephritis, a very dangerous infection.

Cats rarely have UTIs, although other urinary tract problems do happen frequently. There are a variety of potential causes for your cat’s urination issues, some of which may be uncomfortable. Conditions of the urinary system can cause inflammation of the urinary tract or impede the passage of urine. If you’ve been looking for information online, you may have come across the term feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), which is used to refer to a number of potential causes, including UTIs and the following conditions.

Particularly animals older than 10 years old, those with kidney illness, or those who have diabetes, some cats are more prone to lower urinary tract issues. Your cat’s urinary problems may have an underlying cause, which a veterinarian can assist you in identifying. Given that some FLUTD types can be extremely dangerous, proper testing and diagnosis are essential.

How to prevent UTI in cats

There are various strategies to help our kitty buddies avoid UTIs:

Clean your cat’s litter box daily

The fewer feces and urine your cat is exposed to, the lower the chance of bacterial contamination. Make sure your home has an adequate quantity of litter boxes. Each cat should have their own litter box, plus an additional one.

Provide an appropriate number of litter boxes in the household

How to prevent UTI in cats
How to prevent UTI in cats

Additionally, having a separate litter box for each cat can help you, the owner, spot any health issues. If one litter box is fuller than the other, for instance, you can infer that the cat is using it more frequently and needs to be watched.

Provide new, clean water, and clean the water bowl.

When a cat doesn’t drink enough water, the likelihood that the bladder will experience issues rises. Water that is clean and fresh has a higher chance of being consumed by cats. To pique your cat’s curiosity, you might also think about installing a water fountain.

Reduce domestic tension

Stress causes the body’s hormone levels to rise and can alter your cat’s bladder pH levels, which can lead to recurrent infections. Maintain litter boxes in a calm, quiet part of the home.

Keep a close eye out for increased risk factors

Cats who are allowed to procreate and those that are older than 10 are more likely to experience bladder infections. Your veterinarian could advise taking certain probiotics or vitamins to aid in preventing future illnesses. One of these is D-mannose, a sugar that does not break down and to which bacteria cling in order to be excreted in the urine later. Although D-Mannose is not a medication, it is quite successful in treating cats with recurring bladder infections.

Always consult your veterinarian if your cat has ever experienced a bladder infection or is displaying any of the symptoms listed above. Only a qualified veterinarian for animals can determine your cat’s condition and choose the best course of action.

Calm your cat

How to prevent UTI in cats
How to prevent UTI in cats

Keep routine changes to a minimum and look for strategies to lessen your cat’s tension and anxiety. To improve the life of your cat, think about making some adjustments in your house. Learn more about your cat’s senses and the ways that stress, which can lead to sickness, manifests in cats.

Don’t give up if urinary issues recur, advises Primm. She claims that in the past it appeared that there were numerous FLUTD patients that never got better. “I’m pleased that I believe the veterinary profession is making progress in recognizing and addressing this problem.” The best preventive care and UTI therapies for your cat can be discussed with your veterinarian.


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