Top 10 Most Recognizable Symptoms of Dead Kitten Inside Cat & Solutions

Top 10 Most Recognizable Symptoms of Dead Kitten Inside Cat & Solutions

Owning a cat is a wonderful experience for cat lovers. Of course, there will be a period when cats are pregnant and you feel really confused. It’s important to be aware of the potential risks and complications that can occur during pregnancy and childbirth. One of these risks is the possibility of a dead kitten inside the mother cat. So what are the symptoms of dead kitten inside cat and what should be done to properly care for and prevent the mother cat? Read the following article to find the answer.

How to tell if a cat still has kittens inside?


It’s completely normal for cats to breathe heavily during labor. Cats have to use a lot of energy during birth and leave it exhausted. After the birth, if the cat continues to pant, fidget and lick, there may still be kittens inside. This is because it feels sick to the stomach or uncomfortable.

Making a lot of noise

If the cat has given birth but still has kittens inside, it will not be as calm as usual. The process of giving birth to cats, just like for humans, is very painful. Pacing is extremely common with most cats experiencing this condition. Some may actively ask their owners for help, in the sense that they may meow, howl or just follow their owners around the house. If your cat meows for a long time, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Making a lot of noise

Licking her genital area

A common manifestation is that the mother cat will lick her genitals. This licking dissolves the thin film that surrounds the kitten. The double-layer sac is filled with mucinous fluid that allows the kitten to move smoothly through the birth canal. When the cat feels the kitten move inside, it will lick the area repeatedly. They can also contract or use local muscles to push out what’s left of the uterus.

Licking her genital area

The placenta is not visible

A common manifestation is that the mother cat will lick her genitals. This licking dissolves the thin film that surrounds the kitten. The double-layer sac is filled with mucinous fluid that allows the kitten to move smoothly through the birth canal. When the cat feels the kitten move inside, it will lick the area repeatedly. They can also contract or use local muscles to push out what’s left of the uterus.

Behavioral changes

Although every cat tends to be different in this regard as not all respond equally to pain and stress, some may become withdrawn and spend a lot of time alone. Depending on how much time has passed since the kitten died and how severe it is, some cats will avoid contact with other animals and people altogether. They will find ways to hide behind furniture or other darker and quieter places to try to recover.

10 symptoms of dead kitten inside cat

Excessive bleeding

The most common symptoms of dead kitten inside cat is vaginal bleeding. This condition can range from mild spotting to heavy bleeding and may be accompanied by discharge. If your cat doesn’t respond to voice or touch, there could be a number of reasons including illness or injury. Cats can also shed clear, bloody, or pus-like pigments and the amount can vary. If your cat is pregnant and has a discharge, it’s important to get her to the vet right away to rule out infection or other problems.


Another common sign of cats with dead kittens inside is restlessness. Cats can move back and forth from place to place as if they were looking for something. This is frequently a sign that the cat is in pain or discomfort.


Vomiting is another common symptom of dead kittens inside cats. This is because the kitten inside has taken up all the space that should have been reserved for food. As a result, the cat may vomit what has been eaten or may not be able to keep the food. They can also experience diarrhea due to the inability to properly absorb nutrients from their food.


Scream or Cry

Additionally, if you notice your cat meowing or even crying, this could be a sign of distress in cats with dead kittens inside. This screaming is a sign that something is wrong.

Reduced appetite

Decreased appetite is one of the common symptoms of dead kitten inside cat. Because the kitten’s body has taken up all the space of the mother cat’s food. As a result, the cat will eat less and may even lose weight. If you notice your cat has a decreased appetite, take her to the vet to see what’s going on.


Cats may also be tired and lethargic or generally lack energy, another symptom that can be seen in cats with dead kittens inside. This is because the kitten’s body is using up a lot of the energy and nutrients that the mother cat normally uses.



Difficulty getting pregnant or infertility is another possible symptom. Cats may have difficulty getting pregnant or may no longer be able to have kittens. This is because a dead kitten’s carcass can block the uterus and prevent a normal pregnancy. If you find your cat difficult to get pregnant, take them to the vet for a checkup.


Abscesses are another symptom that can occur when kittens die in the womb. These are infected, pus-filled areas that can form around dead kittens. Abscesses can be painful and make your cat sick. If you notice any abscesses on the mother cat, take them to the vet immediately to have the abscess treated and the dead kitten removed.


Deathway is the last and most severe symptom of kittens dying inside the cat’s mother. If the kitten is not removed, the infection can spread to the mother’s organs and more seriously she can die. If you think your cat has a dead kitten inside of her, it’s important to take her to the vet right away to have the kitten treated and removed.

Proper precautions for pregnant cats

There are a few things you can do to care for the mother cat and prevent the kitten from dying while she is pregnant. First, make sure your cat is fully vaccinated. This will help protect the mother from diseases that can occur during pregnancy. Second, make sure your cat gets enough rest and exercise throughout her pregnancy. It will help the cat stay healthy and strong to complete the pregnancy better.

Finally, pregnant cats should see a veterinarian at least once during their pregnancy to make sure that everything is developing normally. If you have any concerns about your cat’s health, don’t hesitate to call your veterinarian and seek medical advice. They can help you understand the possible risks and ensure that your cat is as healthy as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do if my cat has a dead kitten?

If you suspect your cat has a dead kitten inside, the first thing you should do is take it to the vet. They will conduct an examination and determine if there is a dead kitten and remove it if necessary. If the kittens are too far along in their development, they may need a C-section to safely distribute the rest of the litter. In some cases, the mother cat can expel the dead kitten on her own. It is important to monitor the cat closely even after birth. Watch for signs of the mother cat such as fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, or unusual vaginal discharge. If you notice any of these symptoms, call your veterinarian immediately.

Are miscarriages common in cats?

The answer is yes. Although miscarriages are relatively common in cats, the exact incidence is difficult to determine because many cases occur very early in pregnancy and go unnoticed. However, it is estimated that out of 4 pregnancies, cats will have one miscarriage. Common causes of this phenomenon are uterine infections, malnutrition, stress, and hormonal imbalances… Fortunately, most cats recover quickly from miscarriages and continue to be able to live. pregnant. If your cat has had multiple miscarriages, you should talk to your vet to rule out potential problems.

How many kittens can a cat give birth at a time?

symptoms of dead kitten inside cat

Usually, a cat can give birth to up to 8 kittens in a single birth, but some can give birth to up to 12. A few others can only have 1 or 2 children. It all depends on the mother cat’s size and the size of her litter.

In conclusion, the risk of pregnancy and childbirth of cats is something no one wants. Today we have listed 10 popular symptoms of dead kitten inside cat for your reference. It is important to know the symptoms and the appropriate remedy. If you are raising a pregnant cat, watch her mother’s signs carefully to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy.

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